Couples therapy with me is about feeling heard, seen and supported.

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Relationships are work.

Creating the space for your relationships to grow and adapt, as individuals change and grow, is the ultimate challenge.


So often in our relationships, we get stuck in an either-or mindset. We fall into polarizing stories, which shape our roles, and lead to tension.  By pulling the thread of each of these stories we can get into the underlying granular feelings and beliefs that lead to polarizing patterns. Being aware of patterns allows space to challenge these ways of thinking. Working towards what the renowned couples counselor Estes Perel describes as learning to see life and our relationships as a paradox- as a both-and...  to move to a mindset that straddles contradictory beliefs, attitudes, and feelings at the same time without having to think it’s an either/or scenario.  We can change AND our relationship can adapt to allow the changes we need individually.  

 Couples therapy with me is about feeling heard, seen, and supported. I've seen first-hand the transformation that happens in relationships when we build a deeper understanding of each person, their stories, and what they bring into the relationship from previous relationships or their family of origin.  By slowing down to understand each person’s story, it allows us to build compassion, uncover patterns, remove blocks, develop healthier choices and create a shared vision for the relationship and future. 

Couples who work with me will experience a healthier way of communicating needs and feelings, deeper connection and healthy autonomy, and a way to work through conflicts that leads to the repair of the relationship.