Life’s busy, we all get caught up in the momentum of the day to day.

Therapy is an investment in ourselves- It forces us to carve out time to slow down, step away from our daily lives, and focus on own wellbeing.   


Working with Individuals


Whenever I need perspective I head for the hills or the mountains.  It’s the mountain girl in me.  I want to have a view.  There’s something about standing on top of a mountain, being removed from everything, that always gives me perspective.  It slows things down in a way that brings a sense of groundedness and peace.  It’s always my church, and I will forever be grateful for the mountains around me that have allowed me to step back, to take a minute, to climb, have perspective, and feel grounded and expansive again.   

My goal as a therapist is to be that mountain. To create a space for you to step away from everything, ground, focus on yourself, and gain perspective on all the integrative parts that make up the whole.